
特許 環境エネルギーナノマテリアル、材料 目標7.エネルギーをみんなにそしてクリーンに目標13.気候変動に具体的な対策を 理学研究科

ハイエントロピー型高温超伝導体~核融合応用に向け照射耐性を飛躍的に向上~/ High Entropy Superconductor~Irradiation-tolerance HTS(REBCO)~


核融合、超伝導、ハイエントロピー、耐照射 /Nuclear fusion, Superconductor, High entropy, Irradiation




本発明は、銅酸化物超伝導体REBCOにハイエントロピー化の概念を取り入れたハイエントロピー型銅酸化物超伝導体(HE-type REBCO)に関するものです。


本発明のHE-type REBCOでは、Heイオン照射前後の臨界温度Tcを比較したところ、わずか1Kの低下に抑えられることを発見しました(英文下・図1) 。なお、同条件での比較例として従来型のYBCOでは13Kの低下が見られました。



本発明者は、さらなる耐照射性や臨界電流密度Jcの性能向上を目指し、ハイエントロピー化に際してレアアースサイトに導入する元素の種類、量等を制御因子として材料の最適化を行っています。加えて、HE-type REBCOの材料自体の開発に囚われず、他の様々な材料と組み合わせることで同性能向上を目指すような複合的研究も行っています。

現時点で、従来型REBCOよりも遥かに高臨界電流密度Jcを示すHE-type REBCOの開発に成功しています(英文下・図2)

Summary of this Invention

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■Tolerance of the Irradiation

This invention relates to High-entropy type Cu-oxide superconductor (hereinafter ; HE-type REBCO), incorporates the concept of high-entropy(HE) into the RE site.  

One of the applications expected of superconductors is superconducting coils used in fusion reactors. However, superconductors such as Nb3Sn, which are currently used in ITER, have a problem that the critical temperature(Tc) is dropped by irradiation of neutron rays generated by nuclear fusion reactions.

In the HE-type REBCO, when comparing Tc before and after He ion irradiation, it was found that Tc drop was suppressed to only 1K, in the comparative example YBCO was 13K (Fig.1).

■Potential of high Jc

In the use of superconductors, including fusion reactors, the critical current density 𝐽𝑐 is an important performance metric. We aim to further improve irradiation tolerance and the performance of the critical current density 𝐽𝑐 by optimizing the material type and amount of elements introduced into the rare-earth sites and so on.

Additionally, we are also conducting comprehensive research by combining HE-type REBCO with various other materials. At present, we have successfully developed HE-type REBCO with a significantly higher critical current density 𝐽𝑐 than conventional REBCO (Fig.2) (For details of the materials, please contact us as they are not publicly disclosed yet).

Fig.1 (left) : comparison of Tc drop after irradiation, Fig.2 (right) : Jc of HE-type REBCO



Uses of the Invention

In 2007, when the ITER Project was established, there were only about five fusion startups, and are now grown to more than 100, forming a large market.  

Ensuring high economic efficiency is important for the practical application of fusion power generation. In recent years, miniaturizing fusion reactors is a attentional development theme. However, miniaturization makes it difficult to design thick and large irradiation protection walls, increasing the amount of irradiation per unit area of superconducting coils. In such a situation, the superconductors cannot persist their superconducting properties due to irradiation damage shortly after the reactor starts operating, and it will result in a very economically inefficient system.

This invention has the potential to significantly extend the lifespan of superconducting coils, which are one of the most essential components in fusion reactors.


本発明者らは、HE-type REBCOの開拓を世界に先駆けて行ってきました。

現在、前述の通りHE-type REBCOのさらなる性能向上に取り組んでいますが、今後は本発明の実用化に向け、実際に求められる性能基準の特定とその達成を目指し、核融合炉メーカー、超伝導マグネットメーカー、超伝導線材メーカーや超伝導体材料メーカーの方々と共同開発を行うことを希望しています。



About our Laboratory

We have globally pioneered the development of HE-type REBCO. We hope to collaborate with fusion reactor manufacturers, superconducting magnet manufacturers, superconductor tape/wire manufacturers and superconductor material manufacturers to identify and achieve the requirement for the practical application of this invention. Anyone interested in this invention are welcome to discuss joint development.

Additionally, the lab aims to create new materials and new functional materials, not only superconductors but also other materials such as thermoelectric materials, based on the concept of high entropy alloying.

Please feel free to contact us.


  • 山下 愛智/YAMASHITA Aichi 助教

    • 理学研究科




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